Download Everything You Wanted to Know About Bitcoin But Were Too Afraid to Ask: All Your Questions Answered! Trading & Investing in Cryptocurrency For Beginners, Blockchain, Mining, Etherium, LItecoin + More AudioBook Free
Finally, a comprehensive guide to cryptocurrency in simple English! If you pay attention to the press, you'll know that everyone has been going crazy about Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies - particularly in recent weeks and months, and once and for all reason. The value of Bitcoin has increased well over $10,000 per Bitcoin, making early on investors millionaires many times over. But how about you? Could it be too past due? Is Bitcoin too dangerous? Could it be actually secure? Is there other better option? They are just a few of the many questions that are solved in this audiobook! Bitcoin is one particular things that lots of people like to discuss whether or not they know very well what they're talking about. As an extremely complex tech creativity, there's a lot of lingo and "shop discussion" that is common when talking about Bitcoin, and it can be very confusing and intimidating. This audiobook tells you everything you wish to know about Bitcoin and talks about it clearly, nearly, and in simple English. After hearing, you will feel just like an expert and also discuss it confidently. You will learn about:
- Mining, block string, and many of the various wallets open to you
- All the lingo like: nonces, hard forks, sent out ledger, etc.
- How to make money with Bitcoin: committing vs. mining
- Other cryptocurrencies: Litecoin, Ripple, Ethereum, etc.
- How to begin with with Bitcoin
- Implications for the future of Bitcoin and how it will impact the world of money
- Buying, keeping, and security