Download Luke and Acts: To the Lovers of God: The Passion Translation AudioBook Free
The e book of Luke is a glorious gospel penned by one of the early supporters of Jesus. It's been referred to as the loveliest e book ever written supplying us an extremely full picture of the life and ministry of Jesus. Luke applied scrupulous reliability to all he had written, to ensure that what we should listen to is factual. Being a physician, Luke learned early on the necessity to show compassion and mercy toward others. This gospel is perhaps the most compassionate, love-filled consideration of the life of Jesus. Luke provides us with abundant information on Jesus' love of children, the forsaken, and his ministry to women even though this is questionable in the culture of his day. Luke stocks Jesus' teachings on prayer, forgiveness, and our obligation to demonstrate mercy and sophistication in dealings with others. The e book of Serves, also written by Luke, occupies the story where the e book of Luke leaves off. It provides us with the startling information on the beginning of the church and the early years of expanding the kingdom of God on the planet. It begins in the top room with 120 disciples and explains the explosive outpouring of the holy soul resulting in tongues, prophecy, wonders, salvation, and the birthing of countless churches. Serves provides us with the storyline of Paul's three missionary journeys, illustrating the pass on of the gospel, the addition of new believers, miraculous answers to prayer, signals and miracles and deliverance. God is employed in power today through his yielded lovers. This inspired consideration of church background awakens our souls with transforming power and gives us courage to be witnesses for Christ wherever he directs us!