Download Accelerate Weight Loss, Lose Weight Faster with Healthy Habits: Train Your Mind with Energizing Music & Affirmations AudioBook Free
This program was made to assist the listener in shedding pounds with thoughts related to appetite suppression, improved inspiration to exercise, improved dietary habits, increased self-love, and healthy psychological expression. Empowering thoughts create an empowered you! Narrated by Anna Thompson, MA, MHP, LMHC, Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapist. Thoughts, like energy, influence our emotions, our behaviours and our overall conception of ourselves and the world around us. That which you focus on rises. So if we are centered on distractions, struggles, and pessimistic thoughts, we unconsciously and energetically entice more of the same. We can also use this outstanding mental energy to generate the interior and outer life we wish. Through our thoughts, our company is powerful to change ourselves, our relationships, and that which we attract into our world. The music in this program was made to enhance feelings of energy and optimism coupled with positive thoughts and beliefs related to the topic of your decision. It's been suitable for those who like to listen within the car or doing other things. From a functional perspective, that which we tell ourselves on the regular basis, our mind eventually allows as reality. Those thoughts build momentum, creating related emotions and behaviours that reinforce that which we are consistently thinking. From a far more metaphysical perspective, like attracts like. Whatever thought vibration you focus on regularly attracts more of the same. You will want to use your great mind potential to create what you truly want?