Download From Management to Leadership: How to Recruit, Train, and Develop a Superior Sales Team AudioBook Free
All too often, sales representatives are promoted into sales management positions with little if any trained in how to manage. The thinking is that since they've been on the sales force, they know everyone and how to utilize them. Even when this is the case, leading a sales force takes a different skill set from advertising. Yes, advertising is engaged - reselling the team on placing high goals and get together them - but handling others takes a different mind-set than dealing with buyers. In this program you'll learn the qualities of superior control and how to recruit and control a successful sales force. You'll begin to develop the communication skills necessary to inspire and motivate your team. This includes how to determine winning bonuses and rewards far beyond commissions and how to maximize enough time you commit to sales conferences and team development strategies. Utilizing the strategies in this program and the accompanying PDF workbook will help you receive the results you want from your sales force. In From Management to Leadership, become familiar with how to build up the mind-set of a respected manager, simple strategies for planning and jogging truly effective sales conferences, and options for motivating sales clubs and individuals.