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In the last several years, the animal-welfare activity has been divided between those who simply hope to protect animals and the ones who would like to extend to animals the same protection under the law and recognition which have been gained by minorities, women, and homosexuals. For people who believe that animals have protection under the law, or deserve to have them, an ordinance regulating the use of laboratory animals is only a little step toward the establishment of an society in which mankind lives in a new relation to all of those other dog kingdom. In The Rights of Mice, Lawrence Wright, the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of The Looming Tower and Heading Clear, can take listeners inside the war between technology and anti-vivisection raging across the location of Cambridge, Massachusetts, and its own great educational corporations, Harvard and MIT. As dog rights activists try to motivate through city council an ordinance restricting the use of animals in laboratory assessment, leaders in the technology and medical communities brace for a attack. The Rights of Mice was actually shared in New Great britain Regular, August 1987.