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Even though the goal of science is to identify truths, its immediate target must be to model data, since it is only by modeling data that theoretical truths can be discovered. It practices that even though biological entities are composed of microphysical entities, biological truths are not microphysical truths. It also follows that internal truths are not biological truths. But, so that it is also shown, the sense in which psychology is non-identical with biology is better than the sense in which biology is non-identical with microphysics: for whereas any given biological datum is non-anomalous with regards to the microphysical world, any given internal datum is thus anomalous. Though intuitively apparent, this the fact is hard to confirm. But the present work demonstrates it and by doing this provides a clear information of the composition of scientific ideas. This quick monograph strenuous proves that each scientific website must be comprehended on its own terms which any try to reduce one self-control to some other is doomed right away.