Download The Science of Attracting Money: How to Be a True "Money Magnet" AudioBook Free
Imagine if everything they've told you about how precisely to generate profits and get the things you want is incorrect? Imagine if "getting ahead" financially were not only easy, but fun? Imagine if the procedure of increasing your own financial position could actually make the world a better place? In fact, what if it were needed that you make the planet a better place while increasing your own financial position? What if attracting any amount of money were as easy as carrying out a formula; and what if the formula didn't work, and you simply could go back and repeat the procedure, learning and correcting what you had done wrong? Imagine if you learned that a lot of economically successful people throughout record got like that by knowing these questions were true, and by following the aforementioned "formula?" Imagine if spiritual, business, and financial market leaders since the starting of time have tried to talk about this information, and we simply haven't listened? Within this important new work, Kerry O'Hallaron explores each one of these questions and much more. He lays out his studies in an easy-to-listen-to, humorous and uplifting format, without departing from the book's premise. Can the above questions be true? You select. Many have, a long time before O'Hallaron's time. He simply brings us a modern interpretation of your timeless classic. Pay attention to, enjoy, and make use of the key teachings as you learn an elegantly simple approach to enjoying new streams of income and the countless things you can purchase when you have money!