Download The Diary of a Has Been: The Intimate Chronicle of Arnold Appleforth - Legendary Journalist, Idealist and Sponger AudioBook Free
Arnold Appleforth says getting old is focused on attitude. And if that's the case, he needs all the frame of mind he can get, because his journalistic profession is on life support, his love-making life nonexistent (except for a recent regrettable event at a well-known chain restaurant), his budget precarious and his alcoholic beverages consumption prodigious. Increase that his abysmal parenting of his three (or could it be four?) children and the biohazard position of his toned, and life is not a bed of roses. So Arnold chooses to keep a journal, a daily dose of creativity to keep his blood vessels pumping. It'll deal with his own life with seductive, eye-watering integrity and also include pungent political touch upon the disgraceful state of modern Britain. With a view to publication, of course - who wouldn't want to enjoy his wit and intelligence? Sign up for Arnold as he drops pearly bon mots before swine and makes one last pick up for literary immortality. And challenges to make it through in a regretfully unappreciative world...