Download The Endangered Customer: 8 Steps to Guarantee Repeat Business AudioBook Free
In The Endangered Customer, Richard Shapiro presents a proven technique to create devotion in the age of the empowered consumer. He shows why a "people first" approach is more important than ever and offers a road map any business can follow to provide a welcoming and personalized customer experience at every touch point. Companies invest greatly in technology to control their customers and earn repeat business, but high-tech strategies have fallen brief matching to Shapiro. "Technology can support agility and service," he says, "but technology by themselves won't support long-term romantic relationships when consumers have much choice and control in the choice and buying process." Shapiro's antidote to the "transitioning economy" can be an organizational mindset built around customer support, responsiveness, and proposal that mirrors the dynamics of an individual marriage. His eight-step strategy is geared to generating an increased percentage of repeat customers and is also supported by a "Duplicate Business Scorecard" that allows firms to measure their performance at each step. With The Endangered Customer, you possess the key to a high-performing customer retention culture. Listen to it to ensure the survival of your visitors.