Download Zandernatis: Pre-Destination: Where Legends Were Born, Book 1 AudioBook Free
Facts stifled for 50 years uncovered at last! In 1962 a cache of traditional urns was found out in Antarctica going out with back tens of thousands of years. They contained writings proving our ancestral common myths and lore are in reality rooted in the annals and culture of your pre-glacial utopian civilization.... Zandernatis - Predestination sets the arena and describes the opening of the very most fascinating story within these texts: "The Track of Gorin", an epic poem talking about what really led up to the fall of man in Heaven. Initially, it sounds like a fable - except that here it is guaranteed by strong corroborative facts and endorsements from researchers, the media, and eminent experts, despite establishment work to prevent publication. Legends out of the blue become plausible! Size one of the Trinity breaks the silence, laying the foundations of the multi-faceted revelation, combining
- Alternative history
- Conspiracy theory
- Allegorical dream
- Suppressed archaeology
- Past life memory space research
- Significant components from the epic "Track of Gorin" - the most revealing narrative found out one of the Haakon Urn writings.
- Transcription of your BBC interview with Gordon Keirle-Smith talking about his role in the task.
- Press cuttings from the international press announcing the discovery of the urns
- An article exposing the impact of pre-glacial civilization in Australian aboriginal culture
- A chronology of the Zandernation kings covering 3,000 years
- An article on areligionism in Zandernation world
- The hunt for subjects with past life recollections of Zandernatis, completed by the PLMRI (Past Life Research Memory space Institute) based in Lucerne, Switzerland
- A complete bibliography of all the documents found out in the Haakon Urns