Download Tantric Sex: Mastering the Art of Tantra Through Sex, Love, and Spirituality AudioBook Free
Have you ever heard of tantric intimacy? Many people have never heard about it and for many who have, the majority of them are under the misconception that it's all about having long, mind-blowing intimacy. Although there are sexual components to the belief, it is principally about heading on a religious voyage to enlightenment and using a deeper connection to the world around you. There are several steps in this voyage to enlightenment, you start with learning certain respiration techniques, which in turn leads into studying the value of balancing your chakras and maintaining that balance. Tantric belief is the fact that everything is linked. Once your chakras are balanced, you can really begin to have fun. Couples are surprised with that they feel after learning Tantra. Relationships that were once rocky have grown to be more secure, and the companions often feel more linked not and then one another but also with their area. Tantric exercises also help those who find themselves not in human relationships. It instructs people how to feel better about themselves, on the inside and out. Inside you will find the next:
- The record of Tantra
- Beginner's basics to Tantra
- Everything you need to know about the seven chakras, including how to unblock them
- The difference between Tantra and Kama Sutra
- Many positions for lovers
- And a lot more....