Download Don't Feed the Monkey Mind: How to Stop the Cycle of Anxiety, Fear, and Worry AudioBook Free
The things we do to regulate anxiety can make anxiety worse. This original guide offers a cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)-based method of help you discover the continuous chatter of your anxious "monkey mind", stop feeding anxious thoughts, and discover the personal peacefulness you crave. Ancient sages likened the human brain to a monkey: constantly chattering, hopping from branch to branch - endlessly moving from dread to safety. If you're one of the millions of people whose life is damaged by anxiety, you are aware of this process. Unfortunately, you can't pull the plug on the "monkey mind", but you can stop feeding the monkey - or stop pleasing it by avoiding the things you dread. Compiled by psychotherapist Jennifer Shannon, this publication demonstrates how to stop anxious thoughts from taking over using proven-effective cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), popularity and commitment therapy (ACT), and mindfulness techniques. By following the exercises in this publication, you'll figure out how to identify your own anxious thoughts, question those thoughts, and find out the core fears at play. Once you stop feeding the monkey, there are no limits to how expansive your daily life can feel. This publication will highlight how anxiety can only continue as long as you stay away from it. And, paradoxically, only by seeking out and confronting the things that make you anxious can you reverse the routine that maintains your fears alive.