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We have been discussing God's rules and God's assurance. God's rules is conditional. You can't be in one talk about and not put up with the results of not being in another talk about, therefore you and I are absolve to imagine any talk about on earth, and imagining that talk about we can take up it. Occupying the state, we fertilize it; having fertilized it, it includes its own appointed hour for fulfillment. Every vision has its own appointed hour it'll flower; if it seems long, await it - it is sure and it will not be later part of the. Some things will grow overnight, and some things will grow in a week, then in three weeks, and then in a month, and some things will take years. Maybe it's a challenge over which we seem to have no control. We've told you the storyline here, where on one occasion it needed five years, but oh! The happiness of reaping the berries then. It was the relationship of a mom and son-in-law. I have told you unnumbered testimonies where it needed intervals of energy, but it doesn't matter, if we apply the basic principle.