The French Revolution, Volume 1: The Bastille

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This second part of Les Origines de la France Contempo raine will consist of two volumes. Popular insurrections and the laws of the Constituent Assembly result in destroying all government in France; this forms the main topic of today's volume. A party arises around an extreme doctrine, gets possession of the power, and exercises it in conformity get back doctrine; this will form the main topic of the second volume. One third volume would be asked to criticize authorities. Because of this I've no room, and I merely state the rule that I've observed. Essentially the most dependable testimony is that of the eyewitness, especially when this witness is an honourable, attentive, and intelligent man, writing at that moment, at the moment, and under the dictation of the fects themselves if it is manifest Uiat his sole object is to preserve or furnish information, if his work is not a piece of polemics planned for the needs of an cause, or a passing of eloquence arranged for popular efifect, but a legal deposition, a secret report, a confidential dispatch, an exclusive letter, or a personal memento. The nearer a document approaches this type, the greater it merits confidence, and supplies superior materials. I've found many of this character in the national archives, principally in the manuscript correspondence of ministers, intendants, subdelegates, magistrates, and other functionaries; of military commanders, officers in the army, and gendarmerie; of royal commissioners, and of the A ssembly; of administrators of departments, districts, and municipalities, besides folks in private life who address the King, the National A ssembly, or the ministry. A mong they are men of every rank, profession, education, and party. They are simply written by hundreds and thousands over the whole sur ce of the territory.
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