Download The 7 Habits of Highly Defective People: And Other Bestsellers That Won't Go Away AudioBook Free
Much better than CliffsNotes, funnier than Monarch Records, and shorter than the originals - here is a collection of good luck sellers you've found out about!
- "The Fridges of Marin County": A hip California housewife sees brief pleasure in the hands of any Iowa refrigerator
- "Embarrassed by the Light": A guide for people who are self-conscious about near-death experience
- "PER YEAR in Pompeii": Fond pre-Vesuvius anecdotes and recollections
- "Iron Tom": Help your neutered kitty gain back his masculinity
- "The 7 Habits of Highly Defective People": Irritating strategies for getting what you would like
- "The 'Baby You're Hot' Zone": A lethal flesh-eating virus influences Hollywood agencies
- "Hearing Pringles": A psychologist/grocer chronicles his experience in dealing with depressive patients with prescription processed foods