Talk! The Toolkit for Talkers

Download Talk! The Toolkit for Talkers AudioBook Free

Why spend thousands of dollars at a seminar or in private sessions, when all you need to boost your voice and speech is the following? In a single hour, with a fraction of the cost, Bettye Pierce Zoller and Hugh Lampman, two of America's leading voice and communications coaches, will highlight how to: enhance the sound of your voice, speak more obviously and effectively, achieve more vocal interest and variety to compel listeners to listen to what you say the first time you say it, and gain self-confidence as a speaker and communicator. Plus, you'll learn special speech skills such as presenting and public speaking, telephone skills, and negotiation skills - all in a program that motivates, educates, enlightens, and entertains!

Category: Motivation & Self-Improvement









Bettye Pierce Zoller

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