Download The Age of Louis XIV AudioBook Free
The seventeenth century was one of the very most fascinating and seminal periods in European history, particularly with regard to France. For this was within France that the fruits of the sooner Renaissance were to be most brilliantly realized. Although the path of "greatness" for Louis XIV was prepared for him by men like Richelieu, Mazarin, Colbert, Turenne, and Louvois, it was during his reign that French preeminence in all facets of civilization emerged. In diplomacy, military science, art, architecture, literature, fashion, music, gastronomy, philosophy, physics, mathematics, engineering, and a great many other fields of endeavor, France stood at the pinnacle of human achievement. She was to remain there until the time of Napoleon. How did this hegemony happen? Laurence Bradford Packard, an eminent historian and scholar, traces the origins of absolute monarchy and tells us how the political evolution of inherited kingship had become what it was by enough time of Louis XIV. He explains the marvelous diplomatic machinery backed by military might that made France the most feared nation in Europe for almost 200 years. And he discusses the many intellectual controversies of the day which were to create some of the best minds in Europe. There's never been a period which produced so many masters of language: Voltaire, Moliere, Racine, Corneille, Pascal, Bayle, Rochefoucauld, La Fontaine, Bossuet, and many more. And undoubtedly, there were Milton, Hobbes, and Locke in England. Packard gives them all their due and continues on to explore the other arts, as well. The book ends with an appraisal of the amazing progress Europeans, and especially the French, manufactured in the scientific fields. The names are legendary: Descartes, Newton, Boyle, Leeuwenhoek, Leibnitz, and more. It had been a titanic period, and hovering above them all was the person who symbolized the power and majesty of the absolute monarchy...Louix XIV.