Download Mind Hacking Happiness: Volume II: Increasing Happiness and Finding Non-Dual Enlightenment AudioBook Free
In volume II of Brain Hacking Joy, Sean Webb reveals the latest neuroscience and feelings science, coupled with ancient knowledge teachings and good sense, to discuss the secrets of religious enlightenment and nondual awareness. Taking the basics of the mind offered in Brain Hacking Happiness Volume level I, Sean clarifies the newest & most effective way to gain control of your mind so you can increase your contentment at will and walk the path toward an uninterrupted mind state historical wisdom experts called Nirvana. With numerous research references, entertaining testimonies, and engaging laughter, your brain Hacking Joy series is a must-listen for anybody seeking to increase their contentment levels to allow them to supercharge their brains, lower stress, improve their health insurance and well-being, and improve their overall life experiences. Don't let your mind scrooge on your contentment by making you align all the superstars in the universe before it releases a little bit of happiness for you from behind the contentment door in your thoughts. Learn to kick in that contentment door and declare all the contentment you want at any time you want. This audiobook specifically answers the questions you ever wished to ask about religious enlightenment and nondual awareness.