Download Doctor Who: Demon Quest 4 - Starfall AudioBook Free
Tom Baker here reprises the role of the Fourth Doctor, with Susan Jameson as Mrs Wibbsey and Richard Franklin as Mike Yates. A couple of things arrive on a single night time in Central Park, NY, 1976. The first is a fireball from space, delivering with it a fresh identity for just one Alice Trefusis. The second reason is the TARDIS, hauling the physician and his friends on the trail of a unique comic booklet cover. The Doctor's durability is sapped by something in the New York air - but what could cause such a malaise? As he and Mike are first confusing with the authorities and then taken on an aerial trip over the city, Mrs Wibbsey comes face to face with the legendary Talkies film superstar Mimsy Loyne. And all the while, long multicoloured scarves and floppy noticed hats are climbing the stairs of the Dakota Building.... With Tom Baker as the physician, Susan Jameson as Mrs Wibbsey, Richard Franklin as Mike Yates, Trevor White as Pal, Laurel Lefkow as Alice, Lorelei King as Mimsy Loyne, Rupert Holliday Evans as the Cop, and John Chancer as the Cultist, Starfall is the fourth of five connected stories written by the acclaimed Paul Magrs.