Download My Dogs and Guns AudioBook Free
This memorable book by one in our finest freelance writers chronicles two passions: one for a dog named "Blue," another for the "guns of a lifetime." "Blue plus some Other Pups" is an excellent memoir about Graves' Basque-Australian sheep dog. "Guns of a Lifetime" tells the experiences related to the weapons this octogenarian Texan has held, you start with a "rusted and cylinderless" revolver. "So here will be the experiences," Graves writes. "They are not all 'nice' tales in contemporary conditions. Political correctness, as currently described, may be perpetrated occasionally, though I am hoping no parts will seem like the maunderings of the Deep South redneck. But if they do, the hell with it. I am too old to fret about such things." It's wonderful writing from a treasure of the writer.