Download Chicken Soup for the Child's Soul: Character-Building Stories to Read with Kids Ages 5 - 8 AudioBook Free
Today's children stay in a world filled with adventure, mental stimulation, topical ointment issues, and personal difficulties. The principles they learn now, between your ages of 5 and 8, will form the rest with their lives. Through this assortment of heartfelt true reports about family ties, assisting neighbors, and sustained friendships, children will dsicover how other kids how old they are have learned valuable lessons from the choices they've made - and most of all, they will realize that they aren't alone in working with some of the difficult issues in their lives; such as the loss of a loved one, receiving and respecting others, taking responsibility because of their actions, dealing with fitting in, or understanding how to make friends. Chicken Soup for the Child's Heart and soul is a reserve that can help guide children as they explore their human relationships with peers and family members, and begin to build up their own private values. You and your children will reveal special times reading these real-life reports to each other, as jointly you explore how other children have handled everyday issues in healthy, positive ways. Listening to Child's Soul reports together can serve as an entry to discussions about the topics of the reports, which can create better family and classroom communication of these exciting many years of growth.