Download Mercenaries of Gor: Gorean Saga, Book 21 AudioBook Free
Places, even private individuals, may every once in awhile hire soldiers; either to complement their indigenous makes, or to carry out particular projects, perhaps of reprisal, perhaps even of acquisition. On Gor there are numerous mercenary companies, some much larger, some smaller, whose services may be purchased, or bet upon, for given intervals. The allegiance of the companies is to their pay, and their captains. The makes of Cos and Tyros, powerful maritime ubarates, and their allies, have finally beached after the mainland, and are utilizing the town of Torcodino as a repository for items, preparatory to marching over a nigh-undefended and unprepared Ar. Should Ar show up the disinterested tolerances and neutralities, and even the balance of power long sustained between Ar and the fantastic maritime ubarates, things which made possible the life of the unbiased companies, will vanish, a development threatening the very life of the unbiased companies. In a very surprise strike a mercenary captain, Dietrich of Tarnburg, seizes Torcodino, going to forestall the imminent march against Ar until she's time to arm and protect herself. Cabot, on the way to Ar, has inadvertently been stuck in Torcodino when it was seized by Dietrich. He agrees to carry secret and urgent letters for Dietrich, now besieged in Torcodino, to the supervision of Ar. Ar must take action. But when Cabot occurs in Ar it is just a city riven by doubt and dissension, and treason. To whom shall the letters be provided, and whom can he trust? Coinciding with the 40th anniversary of the first reserve of the Gorean Saga, Tarnsman of Gor, Audible is happy to release the 1st complete collection of all Gor literature by John Norman, in audiobook edition, like the long-awaited 26th novel in the saga, Witness of Gor. Many of the original Gor literature have been out of printing for years, but their acceptance has endured. Each reserve of this release has been specially edited by the author which is a definitive word.