Download The God in You AudioBook Free
There is a gospel older than Christianity, older than Buddhism, older than Brahmanism, older than the traditional religions of Greece and Rome, older than the worship of idols and the worship of ancestors. This gospel has been preached under differing forms and brands, and with stress laid after different aspects of its real truth and its own applicability to differing conditions of civilization, and to the different people of the peoples to whom the subject matter has been addressed. It is probably as old as the earliest traditions of civilized man, and the preaching of computer becomes a periodical need through the evolution and progress of civilization itself. It functions as a substitute medicine, a corrective of the trend inherent in civilization to drift insensibly into programs of artificiality, to substitute the letter for the soul, the creed for the life span, the solution for finished . signified, habit for deliberate conscious action, the cant catchword for the life-giving principle, the spurious imitation for the original product. The Gospel to which I allude is the Gospel of the Return to Nature. In every generation of the world's record since man was civilized, the realization of this talk about has been the imagine a few idealists who noticed it existing in the much distant past of the world's record within an allegorical form as the fabled Golden Time sung of by the poets. If it's older than all the religions, it yet took its place as an important element of all of these in the first phases of their living. Jesus Christ struck the keynote in his preaching when he bade his disciples, "Suffer the tiny children to come unto me, for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven," and again when he said, "Except ye be delivered again as a little child ye cannot enter into the Kingdom of Heaven."