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Janie Johnson's life has been in turmoil ever since she uncovered she was kidnapped as a kid. Browsing and getting familiar with her beginning family was difficult. As the storyline spread throughout senior high school, facing her wondering classmates was even worse. Maybe this season will be better given that she's no more the focus of attention and she'll be a older junior. But overdue one night she hears her friend Reeve web host a call-in program over a college radio stop. To her horror, he reveals her report to his supporters. All of a sudden Janie's world is turned upside down again. The Words on the Radio carries on the enthralling story of Janie Johnson that started out with The Face on the Milk Carton and adopted in its sequel, Whatever Occurred to Janie?. Award-winning novelist Caroline B. Cooney explores betrayal, love, and the power of words in this gripping listen that can be enjoyed alone or within a series. Narrator Alyssa Bresnahan's remarkable performance boosts the growing suspense.