Download The Poetry Hour, Volume 10: Time for the Soul AudioBook Free
Poetry is often cited as our very best use of words. The British language has well over a million of these and poets down the age ranges seem, at times, to employ every single one. But often they utilize them in simple ways to describe anything and everything from landscapes to all or any aspects of the individual condition. Poems can evoke within us an individual response that can take us by surprise, or that starts our ears and eyes to very personal thoughts. Forget the idea of typical poetry being in some way dull and uninteresting and best stored to children's textbooks. It still has life, vibrancy and relevance to our lives today. The place to start? How to do this? Poetry can be difficult. We've come up with some very eclectic poetry, with a broad range of poets and styles, to lure you and seduce you with all manner of temptations. In this particular hour we bring in poets of the product quality and breadth of Lord Byron, Samuel Taylor Coleridge as well as styles on Father's Day, July 4th and more. All of them are from Lightweight Poetry, a passionate poetry publisher. We think that poetry should become a part of our everyday lives, uplifting the spirit and reaching the parts that other arts can't.