Download Cross Training WOD Bible: 555 Workouts from Beginner to Ballistic AudioBook Free
Here is a preview of the particular Combination Training WOD Bible is made up of: A thorough list of medical benefits of Combination Training, in-depth terminology to help you realize the abbreviations and lingo used, 555 Combination Training WODs (exercises), and much more! Here is a preview of the 555 exercises the Combination Training WOD Bible is made up of:
- Beginner exercises
- "The Young girls' - benchmark workouts
- Heroes - benchmark workouts
- Bodyweight exercises
- Running based exercises
- Rowing based exercises
- Kettlebell exercises
- Olympic lifting exercises
- Strongman exercises
- Brief "N" heavy exercises
- Minute by minute exercises
- Bi-element exercises
- Tri-element exercises
- Four or more workouts
- Hybrid exercises
- AMRAP exercises
- Epic endurance challenges - designed to obliterate even the toughest strength athletes