Download Weight Loss Guided Self-Hypnosis: Appetite Reduction & Workout Motivation, Bonus Body Work Chapter AudioBook Free
This Weight Reduction Led Self-Hypnosis program was designed to assist the listener in gaining a confident body image, making healthy food alternatives, suppressing desire for foods, and getting motivated to exercise. Included you will see an introduction to hypnotherapy, a led self-hypnosis track, a protracted title specific affirmations keep tabs on, a meditation keep tabs on (partly led, with Solfeggio frequencies) as an extra bonus offer, an exciting and powerful drum trip, bodywork keep tabs on using an alternate induction, hypnotic drum beats and posthypnotic suggestions related to weight loss. This drum trip is designed to find the listener out of the brain and back to their body. Many find this useful for releasing energy blocks, healing and integrating your brain, body and spirit.