Download Afro Hair of the Ancient Egyptians and Blackheads, Africans of Mesopotamia AudioBook Free
The Caucasian appearance of the scalp on Egyptian mummies has been skillfully avoided by many Black scholars. Teacher Diop has been the sole scholar to provide it even a cursory treatment. We imagine had he resided beyond 1986 he would have given the question the information of attention it deserved. We conclude this as a result of scientific pioneering soul he demonstrated in conducting the melanin dosage test is the same the one that could have been necessary to solve this issue. This booklet deals with the contentious concern and places it to rest. The ancient Egyptians had Afro hair! Teacher Cheikh Anta Diop used the multi-disciplinary method to prove that the ancient Egyptians were Black. Now for the first time the ancient Mesopotamians are having the same multi-disciplinary procedure put on them. There is also a overview of their political record and spiritual accomplishments. Art, anthropology, faith, and record show the Mesopotamians of ancient times were Black. This book was presented as a lecture alongside Dr. Ben in October 2001 at the Dr. Ben Memorial Lecture in London.