Download The No Contact Rule AudioBook Free
You're looking to get over your ex partner, yet you're still in contact and have finished up being his or her backup plan. Perhaps you haven't kept yet, nevertheless, you want to and just don't know how. Maybe you're tired of doing the lather, rinse, repeat to getting back together and winding up back again at square one. It's time to cut contact. The No Contact Rule is an inspiring guide to extinguishing the temptation to stay in touch or to keep engaging, helping you to reclaim your sense of home and move on to a healthier romantic relationship. Through her popular blog Baggage Reclaim, Natalie Lue has helped thousands of people liberate from unhealthy connections and breakups after using No Contact to kick a toxic relationship and change her life. Uncover what NC is as well as how to undertake it, how to break an unhealthy cycle, as well as how to find their way various situations from Facebook to pesky texts, working together, sharing a kid, or feeling stuck by your thoughts and thoughts. Cut contact and put the focus on you. By dealing with you with the love, attention, trust, and respect you deserve, this could be among the finest decisions you've ever made.