Download Easy Ways to Engage Your Child: A Guide to Child Engagement - Baby, Toddler, Preschool and Elementary School Years: Transcend Mediocrity Book 17 AudioBook Free
Everywhere you look, parents and children are busy using their smartphones and their laptops. The children are playing video games or using software on their ipod touch. We are glued to the tv set, We rest with our mobile phone on the nightstand. There may be hardly a moment where some parents choose to put down our electronics or wait our chores with the purpose to properly engage our children. We assume that our children are learning from the tv and from the gadgets that we provide them with, but we don't realize that there is a complete world of skills that they aren't learning while their eye are glued to the screen. The truth is that people are setting our kids up for failure by not interesting them and instructing them the skills that they can need far to their adult lives. The bitter truth is that our insufficient engagement with this children can in fact cause them to form an eccentric personality, or even a personality disorder later in life. Some of the most difficult people are plagued with anti-social or do disorders, obsessive compulsive personality disorder ('perfectionism disease'), borderline personality disorder, and schizoid or avoidant personality disorders. Several personality disorders that cause a person to have difficulty through life have a 'learned' from childhood component to them. The children who expand into men and women with these personality disorders may experience romantic relationship and work problems, difficulty dealing with strains in life, parenting problems, and depression. Some of these individuals go on to acquire significant craving problems, or may even attempt or commit suicide.