Download Adventures in Science: From Quantum Thinking to Alien Encounters AudioBook Free
It is one of the curious oddities of our time that we talk much about the clinical method as though it is one singular entity when, in point of practice, it is not. The best linchpin in science is decided not by how exactly we go about doing it, but about how well our hunches, observations, and results tally with the world we see and, subsequently, how such intellectual lurches compare with other contending stratagems in terms of yielding more, not less, information. The word science, derived from the Latin "scire", is rather open-ended and means "knowledge". You will discover innumerable ways to gather knowledge about the cosmos we inhabit. What makes science so powerful is that it permits such studies to be publicly shown and scrutinized and analyzed, not only with the world it is wanting to understand, but with other vying alternate models which differ from each other. Perhaps science's greatest contribution is that at its best it is open to refutation and it is thereby open to change.