Download The Structure of Scientific Revolutions AudioBook Free
The Composition of Scientific Revolutions is a landmark in intellectual record which has enticed attention considerably beyond its immediate field. It is written with a mixture of depth and clarity which make it an almost unbroken group of aphorisms. Its publisher, Thomas S. Kuhn, wastes short amount of time on demolishing the rational empiricist view of science as a target progression toward the truth. Instead he erects from earth up a framework in which science sometimes appears to be heavily inspired by nonrational techniques, and where new ideas are viewed as being more complex than those they usurp however, not as ranking any closer to the truth. Research is not the stable, cumulative acquisition of knowledge that is portrayed in the books. Alternatively, it is a series of peaceful interludes punctuated by intellectually violent revolutions . . . in each which one conceptual world view is substituted by another.