Download Be Bad First: Get Good at Things Fast to Stay Ready for the Future AudioBook Free
We are functioning in a global defined by regular connection, rapid change, and considerable choices. Reports that once required weeks, even years, to multiply now reaches across the globe in seconds. Advancements in medication and research are pushing boundaries with gene therapy and stem cell transplants. And decisions about where and how to work and live are almost endless. As new knowledge - and the options that come up from that knowledge - propels us frontward, management readiness expert and renowned publisher Erika Andersen suggests that success in today's world requires the capability to acquire new knowledge and skills quickly and constantly - regardless of our mixed feelings about being truly a novice. In her newest reserve, Be Bad First, Erika explores how we can become masters of mastery, proficient in the sort of high-payoff learning that's needed today. She encourages listeners to adopt being bad on the path to being great - to be novices again and again as we seek to learn and find the new skills that allows us to flourish in this fast-changing world.