Download Wake Up Call: A Call to Arms for the Sleeping Giant AudioBook Free
In February of 2015, God put a ask my entire life to get out from in front of the TV and begin using my gifts to reach people for him. The words from Matthew 28:19 placed running right through my brain, "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the daddy, and of the Child, and of the Holy Nature." I wanted to reach as many people as possible so I started a group on Facebook. I thought for an instant what I will call it, and then it struck me. The sleeping large called the cathedral has become sluggish, much like I was, and it was time for a essential wake-you-up call. You can find people all over every day that will hell just because we won't start our mouths and proclaim the name of god, the father because we might offend someone. I started out writing whatever God placed on my heart to share with the world almost every day. This is a assortment of those content from February 2015-November 2015, and i quickly end the publication with my very own crazy testimony. I hope you enjoy.