
Download God's Little Red Pen AudioBook Free

In what transferred for once upon a time to an entity of the infinite persuasion, God observed some of his celestial flock got become listless, disengaged, and even a wee tad crabby.... "God's Little Red Pen" can be an original short report that wraps a funny "what if?" in to the grand "how & why?" by exhibiting us an alternate undertake creation where an exasperated God, looking to break his celestial flock out of the collective funk, enlists the help of his angels to work on his newest family pet project: a little thing called "The Universe". From subject to mammals to math, every idea is up for the making as long as it passes one particular test; serve an objective or be X'd from existence by God's little red pen. (Sorry, Mr. Jackalope.) While not everyone is excited about the complete affair (just ask the seraphim responsible for geology), one plucky angel's creations will either make her a legend or land her an initial class ticket to purgatory. Often funny, sometimes miserable, and maybe a teeny tad thought provoking, "God's Little Red Pen" is a quick and quirky look at the big bang, where even a deity can be astonished by the imagination of his own creations.

Category: Fantasy



Single-Cell Publishing







Christopher Ell

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