Download Tennis Ball Self-Massage: Effective Trigger Point Therapy to Relieve Your Muscle and Joint Pain AudioBook Free
Do you ever have really demanding days that produce you long for a good therapeutic massage? Does one constantly wish to visit a spa but merely never have enough time? Do you know someone who gives great massages but he/she is simply nowhere to be found on that important moment when it's needed? There is a way that you should have your very own massage buddy without having to spend much money. Furthermore, this therapeutic massage pal can please you at any time and any place that you wish. If you are convinced that this is just what you need, maybe it's time that you take into account doing a golf ball self-massage! All you have to is a golf ball and you can rub all the aches away! Massage identifies the manual manipulation of body cells. This involves applying pressure on the different parts of the body - fixed or moving - to enhance relaxation, health insurance and well-being. It can be done personally or with the use of a massaging device. The thing is, there are different ways to use pressure on your body. You should use the hands, your hands, your elbows, your legs, your forearms, or even your foot. Some people use electric massaging devices, others use manual massaging devices, and many people like to get creative and grab random things around them which they can use to use pressure on their body. It can be a stick, a container, or a ball. You can find endless possibilities!